Kindling Education distils knowledge and theory to share top tips and answer common questions for the parents of young children.
If there’s a subject you’d like to read more about, get in touch! Katie loves a challenge.
Featured posts
Living life in Reception
Discussing all things Reception, from the first half of term’s priorities, to the curriculum, parent meetings, Reception Baseline Assessments and next term expectations…
Role models
I found out recently that children mirror their parents. Apparently they mirror 80% of you. That’s quite a lot of you reflected through your child. It sounds obvious, but I’m not just talking about looks.
The power of play
When the World Economic Forum creates a video encouraging children to play more, then I think it’s about time we listen.
The etiquette of Parents’ Evening
It’s that time of year again. A time that lots of parents can’t wait for, and the time that most teachers can wait for. Whichever side you’re on, it’s safe to say we all get the pre parents’ evening nerves
Is this the end of exams?
The 21st August 2020 was a devastating day in the world of education. Sir Ken Robinson, a visionary and educationist, passed away from cancer. He was famously known for his influential ideas and for challenging the principles of our current education.
Technophile vs. technophobe
The great debate of our era - is technology more helpful than it is harmful?
To tutor or not to tutor?
An entire industry has been manufactured out of the fear of ‘falling behind’ and the need to ‘catch up’ alongside the race to enhance a child’s performance for schools, exams and future jobs.
Those that can, do; those that can do more, teach
I’ve known this to be true for a while now. But that wasn’t always the case. There was a very short time when I believed that teaching wasn’t a career for me.
Trust me I’m a 4 year old
That first year of primary school is something quite special. But being a teacher in Reception is something else. It’s pretty amazing.